What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (2024)

What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (1)

Cable machines are found in nearly every chain gym. While they can be used for a multitude of exercises, rows are some of the most common movements performed on them.

But trying to figure out which attachment to use for cable rows can be tricky, especially if you’re new to working out or using a cable machine for the first time after only training with a barbell and dumbbells.

So what attachment should you use for cable rows? Depending on the training stimulus you’re hoping to achieve, you can use a V-grip attachment, a straight bar, a lat pulldown bar, a stirrup handle, or a rope attachment. Each attachment is best suited for different grips, which affects the muscles that are targeted and the amount of weight you can lift.

In this article, I’ll walk you through the importance of choosing the right attachment for cable rows and discuss the main differences between each attachment. I’ll also describe each attachment in more detail so you can determine which one is best for the different exercises that may show up in your training program.

Importance of Selecting the Right Attachment for Cable Rows

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The most important reasons for using the right attachment for cable rows are:

  • Targeting different muscles
  • Lifting light vs heavy weights

1. Targeting Different Muscles

Your grip varies based on which attachment you use. As such, different attachments will work different muscles in the back or will target certain muscles more than others.

There are three primary muscles of the back that are targeted with rowing exercises: the trapezius, the rhomboids, and the latissimus dorsi.

The rhomboids are a pair of muscles at the top of your back near your shoulder blades while the trapezius muscles (or traps) run along your shoulders and the base of your neck.

The latissimus dorsi (or lats) are the muscles that run along the middle and lower back. When someone has a wide back, it’s typically because they have well-developed lats.

Certain cable attachments will work the lats more than rhomboids and traps and vice versa because they affect your hand placement and grip width. However, it’s also important to note that the biceps play a role in many pulling exercises as well, and each cable attachment will work them to a varying degree.

Wondering if rows alone are enough to train the back and biceps? Get our expert opinion in

2. Lifting Light vs Heavy Weights

Although everybody is different, most people can use more weight when doing rowing exercises with a narrow grip. Many individuals can also use more weight with an underhand grip than an overhand grip because the biceps offer more assistance.

As such, your choice of cable attachment will impact how much weight you can lift on a given pulling exercise. This in turn can affect which exercises you do on specific training days.

For example, if you can use more weight for rows with a narrow grip, you may want to do that variation with an appropriate attachment on a heavy back or pull day and do wide-grip rows with a different attachment on a light training day.

These same principles apply to the lat pulldown as well. If you’re not sure what kind of grip you can use for lat pulldowns, check out Close vs Wide Grip Lat Pulldown: Which Is Better?

The 4 Differences Between Cable Row Attachments

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The main differences between the various cable row attachments come down to four points:

  • Length
  • Grip
  • Shape
  • One- or two-handed

1. Length

One of the most obvious differences between cable row attachments is their length. Straight bar attachments tend to run about 20” long while a lat pulldown bar that’s curved at the ends runs about 48” long. V-grip attachments and stirrup handles typically have handles that are 7”-8” long.

The different lengths affect your hand placement, which in turn affects which muscles you target. For example, the longer length of the lat pulldown bar enables you to use a wider grip to work your lats more. But a shorter straight bar attachment or a V-grip attachment will work more of your middle back (the traps and rhomboids) because you use a narrower grip.

2. Grip

Different cable row attachments allow you to utilize different grips. You can either use a pronated grip (also called an overhand grip), a supine grip (or an underhand grip), or a neutral grip (with your palms facing each other).

With some attachments, you can use either a pronated or supinated grip. But with other attachments, you can only use a neutral grip.

Some cable attachments like a rope attachment or straight bar attachment can also be used with fat grips to improve your grip and forearm strength. Learn more about the benefits of grip training in my article

3. Shape

The shape of the various cable attachments is another obvious difference. A straight bar cable attachment is obviously straight. But some bars like a lat pulldown bar curve down at the ends so you can gauge how wide to place your hands.

You’ll likely also come across rope attachments, which are generally used for exercises like tricep pushdowns and face pulls. But you can also use them for cable rows to achieve a larger range of motion since they enable you to pull your elbows back further. These are usually one single piece of rope threaded throw a metal fastener that form a V- or U-shape.

Looking for more exercises to do on back day? Find out if it’s safe to train the back and chest on the same day in Work Out Back And Chest On The Same Day?

4. One- or Two-Handed

Most cable attachments are meant to be held with two hands. There’s only one, the stirrup attachment, that’s ideal for one-handed use.

One-handed rows have many benefits, such as helping you address weaknesses between your two sides. If you want to be able to do one-handed rows, you’ll need to have a stirrup attachment handy.

5 Attachments You Can Use For Cable Rows

Five attachments that you can use for cable rows are:

  • V-grip handle
  • Rope attachment
  • Straight bar
  • Lat pulldown bar
  • Stirrup

1. V-Grip Handle

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The V-grip attachment is the most common one used for seated cable rows. It’s sometimes also called a double D attachment. It’s made of two square-shaped chrome or steel components that are fused together to form a V.

It’s one of the most versatile attachments because you can use it for seated rows, close-grip lat pulldowns with a neutral grip, or T-bar rows. However, the shape of the handle means you can only use one grip with it — the neutral grip.

When used for cable rows, the V-grip handle primarily works the lats, rhomboids, and traps with some assistance from the biceps.

If you’re looking for a V-grip attachment to add to your collection of gym equipment, I recommend the Yes4All double D attachment. It works well with both cable machines and a barbell attached to a landmine for T-bar rows. It’s also affordable, and the rubber handles will allow you to maintain a secure grip.

What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (5)What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (6)

How to Do Rows with a V-Grip Attachment

  • Adjust the pulley on a cable machine so it’s at the lowest setting and attach the handle to it
  • Sit in front of the machine and place your feet on the footpads
  • Bend forward to grab the handle with both hands, then sit with your torso upright and your arms extended
  • Bend your elbows and pull the handle towards you, stopping once it’s close to your stomach
  • Keep your arms low to engage your lats more
  • Straighten your arms and lean forward a bit to return to the starting position, maintaining control of the weight the entire time

If you don’t have access to a cable machine or just want some variety in your training, check out these 15 seated cable row alternatives.

2. Rope Attachment

What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (7)

The rope attachment is a thick, braided rope threaded through a metal hook that can attach to a cable machine. The ends typically have rubber stoppers to prevent your hands from slipping off.

As I mentioned earlier, it’s primarily used for tricep pushdowns or face pulls. You can even use it for weighted cable crunches or overhead tricep extensions. But you can use it for cable rows for a larger range of motion to contract the lats more. Doing cable rows with the rope attachment will also work the rhomboids and traps with the biceps providing some assistance.

What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (8)

The Harbinger tricep rope is a good option if you’re looking for a rope attachment of your own. It comes in two lengths, 26-inch and 36-inch. If you’re only using it for rows, either size works. But if you want to use it for cable crunches or overhead extensions, I recommend the longer size. Regardless of which size you get, this rope attachment is durable and will last for a long time.

What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (9)What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (10)

How to Do Rows with a Rope Attachment

  • Adjust the pulley system on a cable machine to the lowest setting and secure the rope attachment to it
  • Sit in front of the cable stack and place your feet on the platforms
  • Lean forward to grab the rope with both hands, then sit back with your torso upright and your arms straight out in front of you
  • Begin to bend your elbows as you pull the rope towards you, making sure that your arms move in a straight line and don’t travel up or down
  • Pull as far as you can. You should find that your elbows can go several inches further past your torso than they can when you use the V-grip attachment
  • Return to the starting position by straightening your arms. You can let the weight pull you forward a bit so you feel a stretch in your back, but do your best not to use too much momentum or let the weights slam down.

3. Straight Bar

What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (11)

The straight bar attachment is a short, straight bar that’s best for when you want to do rows with a narrower grip. It’s another versatile tool because you can use it for upright rows, tricep pushdowns, straight-arm lat pulldowns, and more.

Using the straight bar attachment for rows with an overhand grip will feel similar to rowing on a rowing erg. You’ll be able to hit the lats and traps as well as the rear deltoids (the muscles at the back of your shoulders).

If you use the bar with an underhand grip, you’ll feel a lot more engagement in your biceps. This can be a useful variation if you’re short on time and aren’t able to do a lot of bicep isolation work.

The Synergee straight bar cable attachment is an excellent choice if you need one for your own gym. It comes in four different lengths ranging from 12” to 20”, has knurled handles, and comes with rubber ends to prevent your hands from falling off.

What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (12)What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (13)

It’s also designed to swivel as you move through each rep, which helps put your wrists, forearms, and elbows in a more comfortable position.

How to Do Rows with a Straight Bar

  • Set the pulley system on a cable machine to the lowest setting and attach the straight bar to it
  • Sit in front of the machine and place your feet on the platforms
  • Bend at the waist to grab the bar with both hands, using either an overhand or underhand grip, depending on which muscles you want to target more
  • Lean back again so your torso is upright and your arms are straight out in front of you
  • Pull the bar towards you as you move your arms in a straight line, stopping once the bar hits a spot between your sternum and belly button
  • Straighten your arms to return to the starting position. Lean forward slightly so you feel a stretch in your back, but avoid using too much momentum to begin your next rep.

Did you know that having a strong back can help increase your bench press? We cover this in more detail in Does a Strong Back Help Bench Press? (Yes, here’s how).

4. Lat Pulldown Bar

What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (14)

A lat pulldown bar is a long bar that’s straight in the center and has long ends that curve downward. The benefit of using a lat pulldown bar for rows is that it’s easier to alter the width of your grip. A wider grip will work your lats more while a narrower grip will target more of the traps and rhomboids.

As you can do with the straight bar attachment, you can also take an underhand grip with the lat pulldown bar if you want to work more of your biceps.

An excellent lat pulldown bar that you may want to consider for your own gym is the FITNESS MANIAC lat pulldown bar. This bar is unique in that it has D-shaped handles at the end, which offers more options for you to use different grips when doing rows. The straight part also has rubber handles to prevent your hands from slipping.

What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (15)What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (16)

How to Do Rows with a Lat Pulldown Bar

  • Set the pulley system on a cable machine to the lowest setting and secure the lat pulldown bar to it
  • Sit in front of the machine and put your feet on the footpads
  • Grab the bar with both hands with either a wide or narrow grip and your hands in an overhand or underhand position
  • Before you start your rep, make sure you’re sitting back with your torso straight and your arms extended in front of you parallel to the floor
  • Moving your arms in a straight line, pull the bar towards you until it hits the middle of your stomach
  • Return to the starting position by straightening your arms and leaning forward a bit so you feel a stretch in your back

Looking for more ways to train your lats? Check out some of my favorite dumbbell exercises that target the lats.

5. Stirrup

What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (17)

The stirrup attachment is best suited for single-arm rowing. It’s a square- or rectangular-shaped metal attachment with just one handle. You can use it for nearly any exercise that you can do on a cable machine, but you can only hold it in one hand.

Doing rows with just one arm at a time allows you to work both sides of the body evenly since your stronger side can’t compensate for your weaker side. The single-arm cable row works your lats as well as the smaller stabilizer muscles surrounding the rotator cuff and shoulder blades.

The Rogue single handle cable attachment is an excellent stirrup attachment for doing single-arm rows. It has long nylon straps and a knurled steel handle with the same knurling that’s used on the Bella barbell. The nylon straps are grommeted to allow the handle to move freely to help make rowing movements more comfortable on your joints.

What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (18)

How To Do Rows with a Stirrup Attachment

  • Set the pulley system on a cable machine to the highest setting and attach the stirrup handle to it
  • Stand in front of the machine with your feet shoulder-width apart. Stand far enough away from it so your arm can be fully extended at the start of the rowing movement.
  • Reach up to grab the handle, making sure that your wrist, forearm, and shoulder are in a straight line
  • Pull the handle down and back so that it reaches a point around the top of your armpit
  • Straighten your arms to return to the starting position

For more ideas on how you can train your back with a barbell, dumbbells, or other machines, check out my top 10 hammer strength row alternatives.

Final Thoughts

Even though most cable row variations target the lats, traps, and rhomboids, each attachment will require a different type of grip. This affects how effectively each of your back muscles is worked as well as how much your biceps come into play.

As such, your choice of cable attachment will depend on your training goals. Attachments that require a narrow grip are best for heavy back training and targeting the rhomboids and traps more. Attachments that require a wide grip are best for training with light weights and targeting more of the lats.

As well, any attachment with which you can use an underhand grip will also enable you to work your biceps more. This can come in handy when you don’t have a lot of time to work out and want to hit as many muscle groups as possible.

Other Cable Attachment Article

  • Best Cable Attachments (10 Options For Home Gyms)

About The Author

What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (19)

Amandais a writer and editor in the fitness and nutrition industries. Growing up in a family that loved sports, she learned the importance of staying active from a young age. She started CrossFit in 2015, which led to her interest in powerlifting and weightlifting. She’s passionate about helping women overcome their fear of lifting weights and teaching them how to fuel their bodies properly. When she’s not training in her garage gym or working, you can find her drinking coffee, walking her dog, or indulging in one too many pieces of chocolate.

What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com (2024)


What Attachment To Use For Cable Rows? (5 Options) | PowerliftingTechnique.com? ›

The most commonly used one for the seated cable row is the V-grip attachment. With the V-grip, you place most of the focus on the mid-traps and the rhomboids (the middle back). However, if you're trying to target the out lats and rear delts more, then you're better off going with a curved bar and a wider grip.

What attachment should I use for cable rows? ›

The most commonly used one for the seated cable row is the V-grip attachment. With the V-grip, you place most of the focus on the mid-traps and the rhomboids (the middle back). However, if you're trying to target the out lats and rear delts more, then you're better off going with a curved bar and a wider grip.

What grip is best for seated cable rows? ›

The seated row is normally done with a narrow grip. But if you'd like to focus on the smaller back and arm muscles instead of the lats, you can use a wide grip.

How do you hold a cable row attachment? ›

Grasp the attachment with arms fully extended directly in front of you. Set your shoulders down and back (retracting the scapula). Maintain good posture, sitting upright, as you pull the attachment into your lower abdomen, squeezing your shoulder blades together behind you.

Which grip is better for back rows? ›

The best grip for the barbell row depends on the muscles you want to focus on. As a general rule, an overhand grip puts the emphasis on your upper back muscles, such as the rhomboids and traps, while an underhand reverse grip puts more emphasis on the lats.

What grip is best for cable lat extensions? ›

Close Underhand Grip

An underhand grip allows you to pull the weight down further than you would with an overhand grip. you'll be able to squeeze harder with your lats because of this, which helps to build a thicker, stronger back. You may also be stronger on this over wide grip as you use your biceps a lot too.

Should you lean forward or back for cable rows? ›

Should you lean back for seated cable rows? You should lean back just slightly in the neutral position for this move. Aim for about 10-20 degrees of backward lean for an optimal position. If you are leaning back too much, try using less weight to fix the problem.

Should you lean for cable row? ›

It's hard to maintain a completely upright position during the row, but try to lean no more than 10 degrees from the vertical to limit hip flexors and lower-back involvement.

Should you lean forward or back for row? ›

You're rowing for Olympic gold.

Engaging your entire upper body by leaning forward or even driving with your legs during the cable row takes the tension off your lats. Instead, stabilize your body and tighten your core— then row the bar to you.

How to do cable rows without a machine? ›

Lie on a flat bench with one dumbbell in each hand. Make sure the bench is high enough, so when lying down, you can fully extend your arms without touching the ground. Keep your elbows tucked in and pull the weights up towards the lats. Slowly extend back down.

What grip is best for barbell rows? ›

The Basics of the Barbell Row

Grasp the bar with an overhand grip, hands about shoulder-width apart. Bend your knees slightly and push your butt back, shifting your torso as you do so. The bar should be resting at the bottom of your thighs. Your hamstrings should be engaged, and your core should be tight.

What are the different types of cable row grips? ›

Grip. Different cable row attachments allow you to utilize different grips. You can either use a pronated grip (also called an overhand grip), a supine grip (or an underhand grip), or a neutral grip (with your palms facing each other). With some attachments, you can use either a pronated or supinated grip.

What is close grip cable row? ›

What is this? The cable close grip seated row works your back muscles in a horizontal pulling movement. By adding a vertical pulling movement (like the pull-up or lat pulldowns) and an exercise for the back extensors, (like the deadlift or a back extension), you have a complete back workout.

What is the difference between close grip and wide grip on T bar row machine? ›

Selecting Your Grip Handles

Using a more narrow handle allows you to focus more on the latissimus dorsi, whereas using a wider handle allows you to hit the middle of the back (rhomboids) harder. You can also use a neutral grip, which is more friendly on the wrist and helps if you have had a wrist injury in the past.

What cable attachments do I need? ›

What cable attachments you need depends on your goals and which exercises you want to do most often. At a minimum, I recommend a tricep rope attachment, an EZ curl attachment, a lat pulldown attachment, and a D-handle. A replacement cable is also handy if you plan on using your cable machine frequently.

What is the best cable curl bar attachment? ›

Hence the name, the best attachment for cable curls would be the EZ curl bar. These bars are made specifically to optimize your wrist position and target the biceps as effectively as possible.

What does wide grip cable row work? ›

The wide-grip seated cable row strengthens the back, shoulders, and biceps while improving core stability and spinal alignment. The wide grip places increased resistance on the upper back and rear shoulder.

Should elbows be in or out for rows? ›

Initiate the movement by rowing the weight toward your mid-sternum, letting your elbows flare directly out to your sides. Make sure you do not jerk the weight up by moving your torso. The arms are the only things that should move during the row. Think about pulling the bar with your elbows until it reaches your body.

Are cable rows good for mass? ›

Is the Cable Row Good? Yes, the exercise is a safe way to build strength and muscle in the back and arms. They are also an effective way to teach the body how to fire the lats and improve the mind muscle connection.

Are cable rows better than lat pulldowns? ›

Muscle Activation Differences Between the Lat Pulldown and the Seated Row. As was mentioned earlier in the article – while the lat pulldown and the seated row do indeed train the muscles of the back and the biceps, the lat pulldown is more specialized and recruits a smaller number of muscle groups.

What is the best rep range for cable row? ›

For the seated cable row, begin by using a weight that you can control for 2–3 sets of 6–10 repetitions. Choose a weight that allows you to maintain good technique throughout all sets and repetitions.

What setting should you row on? ›

We recommend starting out on a damper setting of 3–5. Really focus on technique, and as you improve, you may find that a lower damper setting gives you the best workout and results. Resist setting the damper lever too high; this can exhaust your muscles before you reap the full cardiovascular benefit rowing provides.

Why don't I feel my lats in rows? ›

The main reasons people don't feel their lats during rows is: Excessive shrugging by pulling the weight in a straight line. Bending the wrist for more bicep activation. Using too heavy of a weight so other muscles need to help compensate.

Do cable rows work upper back? ›

The seated cable row primarily strengthens the upper back, with the lats, traps, rear delts, and rhomboids all worked. The core and biceps are also engaged. Different attachments place more emphasis on different muscle groups.

Can you do cable row with straight bar? ›

The wide-grip seated cable row is done with either a straight bar, or a wide, neutral-grip handle. Each of these can help increase back width and size, as they place the arms wider out from the body.

Should I go heavy on bent-over rows? ›

1 no-no for the Barbell Bent-Over Row and it's probably the most common mistake. It's typically the result of using a weight that's too heavy, forcing you to bounce up and down to generate enough momentum to move the load. This is cheating, plain and simple. The Fix: Use a lighter weight.

Is underhand grip better for rows? ›

So, should you be doing your barbell row overhand or underhand? An overhand grip will work more of your upper back muscles, including your rhomboids and traps. Whereas the underhand grip will focus more on working your lats.

What is the best attachment for the T-bar row? ›

Parallel (Neutral Grip) T-Bar Attachment

The most heavy-duty and serious option is the parallel t-bar landmine attachment from Rogue. In general, the back muscles contract best when using a neutral grip, and this attachment provides the most comfortable version of that.

Which cable row is best for back? ›

The Best Cable Back Workouts: 7 Cable Machine Back Exercises To Target Back Strength
  • Lat Pulldowns.
  • Seated Cable Rows.
  • Seated Upper Back Cable Rows.
  • Cable Rope Pullovers.
  • Straight-Arm Pulldowns.
  • Cable Shrugs.
  • Face Pulls.
May 15, 2023

How to do a seated cable row without a bench? ›

Seated Rows: No machine necessary
  1. With your arms extended forward, squeeze your shoulder blades together as you pull the band back as far as you can toward your stomach.
  2. Variations. ...
  3. Use two bands to lower the resistance by either wrapping one around each foot or interlocking them at their midpoints.
Aug 3, 2010

What grip width for T bar rows? ›

Grab the barbell with an overhand, slightly wider than shoulder-width grip. Tuck your chin in and lengthen your neck; do not lift your head or look forward. Brace your core, squeeze your shoulder blades together, and pull the bar up into your abdomen. The bar should touch your stomach.

Why is the T-bar row so hard? ›

This is because the T-Bar Row combines the compound nature of rowing with its massive capacity for overloading in a safe and effective manner. Therefore, it is CRUCIAL that you learn how to execute the movement correctly to get the most out of it without getting injured in the process.


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Name: Allyn Kozey

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Introduction: My name is Allyn Kozey, I am a outstanding, colorful, adventurous, encouraging, zealous, tender, helpful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.